Before the Ring Resource Guide Dating Advice The Successful Family: Resources & Tools to Help You Build a Stronger Family

Dear Beloved Audience

We are thrilled to welcome you to “Get Married Whole,” a blog dedicated to empowering and supporting individuals and families in building Christ-centered, successful marriages. Whether you are engaged, newlyweds, or have been married for years, we believe that every step in your journey of love and commitment is significant.

Our mission is to provide you with valuable resources and tools to help you lay a firm foundation for a stronger family. Through biblically based insights, practical advice, and inspiring stories, we aim to guide you on the path of self-discovery, communication, and growth as you prepare for a lifetime of love and unity.

“Before the Ring: Determining Who You Are and What You Need In A Christian Mate” is one of our featured articles. We understand the importance of knowing yourself in God’s eyes and finding a partner who shares your commitment to living a life rooted in faith and love. This article, along with a comprehensive study companion, will support you in your pre-marital journey, empowering you to seek God’s wisdom and build a Christ-centered relationship.

As we embark on this journey together, we want to hear from you! Share your thoughts, experiences, and questions with us in the comments section. Our community is a safe and loving space where we can learn from one another, grow in faith, and celebrate the beauty of marriage.

Thank you for being a part of our “Get Married Whole” family. We are honored to have you here and look forward to walking alongside you as we strive to build stronger families, one Christ-centered relationship at a time.

With love and blessings,

The “Get Married Whole” Team

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Before the Ring Resource Guide

Before the Ring: Determining Who You Are and What You Need In A Christian Mate

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” – Psalm 37:4 Before embarking on the beautiful journey of marriage, it is vital to take the time to discover who you are in Christ and understand what you truly need in a life partner. A Christ-centered marriage is built…

Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?
Before the Ring Resource Guide The Successful Family: Resources & Tools to Help You Build a Stronger Family

Before the Ring: Determining Who You Are and What You Need In A Christian Mate

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” – Psalm 37:4

Before embarking on the beautiful journey of marriage, it is vital to take the time to discover who you are in Christ and understand what you truly need in a life partner. A Christ-centered marriage is built on a strong foundation of self-awareness, biblical principles, and shared values. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of seeking God’s wisdom in the process of finding a mate and provide guidance on nurturing a thriving Christian relationship.

Knowing Yourself in God’s Eyes

Before seeking a partner, we must first find our identity in Christ. Our self-worth is not defined by worldly standards but by our standing as children of God. Embrace the truth that you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and seek to grow in your relationship with God. As you deepen your faith, you will gain clarity about your purpose and calling, which will lead you to a more fulfilling partnership.

Identifying Biblical Qualities in a Partner

As followers of Christ, we are called to seek a partner who shares our commitment to living a life of faith, integrity, and love. Look for qualities that align with biblical principles, such as kindness, humility, and a heart for serving others. A godly spouse will complement and encourage your walk with God, leading you both to grow spiritually and build a lasting marriage.

Effective Communication God’s Way

Communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. In a Christian marriage, we are called to follow biblical principles of communication, such as speaking truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) and using our words to build up and encourage one another (Ephesians 4:29). Open and honest communication nurtures trust and intimacy, allowing you and your partner to grow closer to each other and to God.

Embracing Godly Conflict Resolution

Conflict is inevitable in any relationship, but as Christians, we are called to approach conflicts with love, humility, and a desire for reconciliation. Seek guidance from the Bible and prayer when facing challenges, and remember the importance of forgiveness and restoration (Colossians 3:13). Embracing conflict resolution God’s way will strengthen the bond between you and your future spouse.

Stewardship of Finances in Christian Marriage

Financial matters can be a significant source of stress in marriages. Align your financial decisions with biblical principles of stewardship, contentment, and generosity. Trust God to provide for your needs (Philippians 4:19) and cultivate unity in managing your finances. By practicing biblical financial principles, you will be better equipped to navigate financial challenges together as a couple.


As you prepare for marriage, remember that a Christ-centered relationship starts with knowing yourself in God’s eyes and understanding the qualities you seek in a partner. Seek God’s wisdom and guidance throughout this journey, knowing that He will grant you the desires of your heart as you delight in Him. Embrace pre-marital counseling as a valuable resource to nurture your relationship based on biblical principles, and rest assured that God’s love and grace will guide you every step of the way.

Study Companion: Pre-Marital Counseling Questionnaire (Biblical Perspective)

  1. How is your relationship with God, and how do you envision nurturing your faith as a couple?
  2. In what ways can you both grow spiritually together and support each other’s spiritual journeys?
  3. How can you apply biblical principles, such as love, patience, and humility, in your communication with your partner?
  4. How will you seek guidance from the Bible and prayer in times of conflict or decision-making?
  5. How do you view money and possessions in light of biblical teachings on stewardship and generosity?
  6. How can you both serve God and others as a couple within your community?
  7. How do you envision building a home that reflects Christ’s love and grace?