Boundaries Dating Advice Domestic Violence FINDING YOURSELF Inspiration Quality Singles, Just Like You Single & Whole SingleNWholeYouth and Teens Staying Married & Loving It!

Stop matching other peoples energy. Be true to yourself. Do not betray your values

Forgiveness is a choice | I feel sometimes we can think unforgiveness is being mean. Just because we don’t forgive a person, we can still be kind, we can still be pleasant

Stop matching other peoples energy.

It is so common for us to see this as if it is a good thing.

  • You do not need to be mad at people who are mad at you.
  • You do not need to yell when they are yelling.
  • You can be the peace, no matter what the other person is giving.

You create your own energy.

How will I respond.

  • How do I want to feel?
  • How will I respond not, what they are doing but what should I do.
  • You should not be walking into rooms trying to gauge what everyone else is doing and how everyone else is feeling and being that thing.

Be true to yourself.

  • Do not betray your values
  • Do not step into a zone that you are not comfortable in because you are trying to match energy.
  • Be your own energy and show up in that way and I promise you, you will not feel like you betrayed yourself.
Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person? Leave a Reply, Explore More Topics Like This, Go to Now Accepting Your Questions & Comments Connect With Us on facebook go to

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Boundaries Dating Advice Domestic Violence FINDING YOURSELF Inspiration Quality Singles, Just Like You Single & Whole SingleNWholeYouth and Teens Staying Married & Loving It!

Forgiveness is a choice | I feel sometimes we can think un forgiveness is being mean

Just because we don’t forgive a person. We can still be kind, we can still be pleasant

Stop matching other peoples energy.

It is so common for us to see this as if it is a good thing.

  • You do not need to be mad at people who are mad at you.
  • You do not need to yell when they are yelling.
  • You can be the peace, no matter what the other person is giving.

You create your own energy.

How will I respond.

  • How do I want to feel?
  • How will I respond not, what they are doing but what should I do.
  • You should not be walking into rooms trying to gauge what everyone else is doing and how everyone else is feeling and being that thing.

Be true to yourself.

  • Do not betray your values
  • Do not step into a zone that you are not comfortable in because you are trying to match energy.
  • Be your own energy and show up in that way and I promise you, you will not feel like you betrayed yourself.
Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person? Leave a Reply, Explore More Topics Like This, Go to Now Accepting Your Questions & Comments Connect With Us on facebook go to

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Dating Advice Single & Whole

Phrases we can use more often to help build a stronger and healthier partnership.

Relationships would be healthier if we used these phrases more often.

Relationships would be healthier if we used these phrases more often.

  • “I passed judgment without having enough information.”
  • “I’m sorry.”
  • “You were trying to be helpful and I wasn’t ready to accept your help.”
  • “Thank You.”
  • “I love you.”
  • “I was in a bad mood and took my frustration out on you.”
  • “I don’t know the answer.”
  • “I was wrong.”
  • “I need your help.”
Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?
FINDING YOURSELF Inspiration Prayers Single & Whole Staying Married & Loving It! The power of a praying wife

If I’m known by how I love Let my life reflect how much I love You I love You 🥰

If it’s loving one another Even when we don’t agree Here I am Lord send me

And before You even ask Oh my answer will be yes Cause I love You I love You 😘 Send Me

If the truth cuts like an arrow, I will say it anyway, Cause here I am Lord, send me
And if it means that they’ll reject me, Lord I will still obey, Cause here I am Lord, send me.
Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?

Be Of Good Cheer

One season Ruth was working in field, the Next season she was owning the same field!One season Mordecai was sitting outside the king’s palace, the Next season he was inside the palace! One season David was a shepherd the Next season he was king! We serve GOD who turns things around, the GOD of unmerited favor!
If it’s loving one another
Even when we don’t agree
Here I am Lord, send me Even when we don’t agree Here I am Lord, send me
FINDING YOURSELF Inspiration Prayers Single & Whole Staying Married & Loving It! The power of a praying wife

If I’m known by how I love Let my life reflect how much I love You I love You 🥰

If the truth cuts like an arrow
I will say it anyway
Cause here I am Lord, send me
And if it means that they’ll reject me
Lord I will still obey
Cause here I am Lord, send me.

And before You even ask Oh my answer will be yes
Cause I love You
I love You
😘 Send Me

Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?

Be Of Good Cheer

One season Ruth was working in field, the Next season she was owning the same field!One season Mordecai was sitting outside the king’s palace, the Next season he was inside the palace! One season David was a shepherd the Next season he was king! We serve GOD who turns things around, the GOD of unmerited favor!
☀️Connecting With God Everyday FINDING YOURSELF Prayers Single & Whole Staying Married & Loving It!

Be of Good Cheer 👍

Prayer Conversation Starter With God: Father, thank You for helping me through this day. Thank You for Your goodness to me, for your help, provision, guidance, and direction. I love You, amen!

The world always has turmoil and stressful drama that can drag us down emotionally; however, we don’t have to get involved in it. Basing our emotional state on the Word of God replaces stress with“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

When you come to the end of your day, it is good to spend time with God, thanking Him for overcoming the world on your behalf. Reflecting on His goodness will calm your spirit and prepare you for a peaceful night of rest.

Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?
☀️Connecting With God Everyday FINDING YOURSELF Prayers Single & Whole Staying Married & Loving It!

Be of Good Cheer 👍

The world always has turmoil and stressful drama that can drag us down emotionally; however, we don’t have to get involved in it. Basing our emotional state on the Word of God replaces stress with“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Life in today’s world can be stressful and frustrating—but as a Christian you do not have to operate in the world’s system. Yes, you will face difficult and trying situations, but you can refuse to be agitated, disturbed, and upset (see John 14:27).

Even in the midst of your problems you can be happy and confident, cheerful and courageous. Now that’s good news!

When you come to the end of a tiring and frustrating day, it is good to spend time with God, thanking Him for overcoming the world on your behalf. Reflecting on His goodness will calm your spirit and prepare you for a peaceful night of rest.

Prayer Conversation With God Starter: Father, thank You for helping me through this day. Thank You for Your goodness to me, for your help, provision, guidance, and direction. I love You, amen!
Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?
Dating Advice FINDING YOURSELF Single & Whole Staying Married & Loving It!

If you are still struggling with how to resolve conflicts in your relationships, you can check out this video

If you are still struggling with how to resolve conflicts in your relationships, you can check out this video found on our YouTube channel titled Dissolving Anger 😠😡😡 This video gives couples little insights on how to avoid assumptions, resolve conflicts and get back on track. Watch on YouTube go to or

In this video you will explore How do you get your relationship / marriage back on the right track? ,How do you reset a struggle relationship? , How do you fix a broken relationship with action? , How do you fix a failing relationship? , How to get your relationship back on track after a rough patch. , How to get your relationship back on track after a breakup , How to get relationship back on track after a fight

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Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?
The Get Married Whole Podcast Radio Show
Get Married Whole
Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?
Boundaries Dating Advice FINDING YOURSELF Quality Singles, Just Like You Single & Whole SingleNwhole Podcast Staying Married & Loving It!

Did you have a conflict with your partner, and you found it hard to forgive them?

Learn How Holding Grudges Affect Relationships and Ways to Let Go | I’m noticing a little difference between happy and angry couples in what they believe about forgiveness. Holding a grudge doesn’t make you strong; it makes you bitter. Forgiving doesn’t make you weak; it sets you free. I encourage you to choose grace and you’ll find joy in your marriage or with your “Courtship”- This term describes the period of time before two people formally engage in a relationship that involves a long-term commitment to a future together.

Did you have a conflict with your partner, and you found it hard to forgive them? Things like this are bound to happen in a relationship because you and your partner are most likely from different backgrounds with different mindsets. 

Hence, there is a big tendency for conflicts of interest and disagreements to occur. However, if it amounts to holding grudges in relationships, both parties will start drifting apart.

We’ll be looking at how holding grudges in a relationship can be disadvantageous to both the relationship and your health. It will also be expedient to delve into how to let go of a grudge to get your relationship back on track.

What does grudge mean?

For people who ask, “what is a grudge?” 

It is the persistent harboring of resentment and anger towards someone because of what they did. When someone is carrying a grudge, it means that they have bottled that feeling of bitterness for a long time- most times longer than usual.

In a relationship, one party can be found holding onto grudges if they are offended by the other party. This usually happens when the other party has committed an act considered unpardonable. 

So, till the matter is resolved, the grudge might linger for a long time as unfinished business.

5 Reasons why people keep grudges in relationships

Do you have an idea why your partner is holding onto resentment? Here are some reasons why people keep holding on to anger and bitterness in their relationships.

1. Unrealistic expectations

Some people set high standards for their partners in a relationship which is often difficult to meet. When their partners do not deliver as expected, they become disappointed, bitter, and angry. This can set the motion for holding grudges in relationships.

Usually, people who are quite emotionally benevolent are susceptible to such feelings because they don’t receive an equal measure of the love and care they give.

2. Fallouts and assumptions

In the real sense, a relationship is expected to experience fallouts and misunderstandings so that both parties can pick lessons pertaining to them and become better partners in the relationship. This is the primary reason why partners should be open to settling conflicts to avoid holding grudges in a relationship.

If you are still struggling with how to resolve conflicts in your relationships, you can check out this video titled Dissolving Anger 😠😡😡 This video gives couples a little insights on how to avoid assumptions, resolve conflicts and get back on track.

If a conflict is unsettled in a relationship, both parties might start holding onto resentment. This act gives room for assumptions which causes further problems in the relationship.

3. The feeling of being left out

This feeling is a wide category containing various possibilities. 

It is possible for someone to feel exploited, used, unloved, ignored, etc. If your partner has various personal activities where they do not carry you along or even give you information, you might feel left out and begin to harbor a grudge.

4. Insufficient validation

In a relationship, it is possible for one partner to be big on validation while the other party does not care. For instance, if your partner is going through a difficult time, and you make their situation all about yourself instead of them, they can feel hurt and begin to hold grudges.

It is important for partners in a relationship to be sensitive to the emotions and needs of each other by lending a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on.

5. Unresolved issues

When it comes to settling the conflicts the right way, it involves both parties trying to understand each other’s point without pointing out who wins the argument. If you try to always have your way in every conflict by claiming you are right, there will be various unresolved issues that will affect the relationship.

The intention of both parties in a relationship should be to understand each other better so that respect, true love, and security will abound in the relationship. Hence, if you want your partner to stop holding a grudge, it is important to resolve issues amicably by understanding and validating each other’s standpoint.

Subscribe and Follow Be the first to know when we post on the topics

Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?

Thank You 4 watching,.. ❤️You May Also Like Part 1 & Part2 Getting the love you deserve + questions you may want to ask before the ring:)

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Part 1,2 &3 cwg How to Find your wife or husband: View here 👉

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Boundaries Dating Advice FINDING YOURSELF Quality Singles, Just Like You Single & Whole SingleNwhole Podcast Staying Married & Loving It!

Did you have a conflict with your partner, and you found it hard to forgive them? How Holding Grudges Affect Relationships and Ways to Let Go

How Holding Grudges Affect Relationships and Ways to Let Go | I’m noticing a little difference between happy and angry couples in what they believe about forgiveness. Holding a grudge doesn’t make you strong; it makes you bitter. Forgiving doesn’t make you weak; it sets you free. I encourage you to choose grace and you’ll find joy in your marriage or with your “Courtship”- This term describes the period of time before two people formally engage in a relationship that involves a long-term commitment to a future together.

Did you have a conflict with your partner, and you found it hard to forgive them? Things like this are bound to happen in a relationship because you and your partner are most likely from different backgrounds with different mindsets. 

Hence, there is a big tendency for conflicts of interest and disagreements to occur. However, if it amounts to holding grudges in relationships, both parties will start drifting apart.

We’ll be looking at how holding grudges in a relationship can be disadvantageous to both the relationship and your health. It will also be expedient to delve into how to let go of a grudge to get your relationship back on track.

What does grudge mean?

For people who ask, “what is a grudge?” 

It is the persistent harboring of resentment and anger towards someone because of what they did. When someone is carrying a grudge, it means that they have bottled that feeling of bitterness for a long time- most times longer than usual.

In a relationship, one party can be found holding onto grudges if they are offended by the other party. This usually happens when the other party has committed an act considered unpardonable. 

So, till the matter is resolved, the grudge might linger for a long time as unfinished business.

5 Reasons why people keep grudges in relationships

Do you have an idea why your partner is holding onto resentment? Here are some reasons why people keep holding on to anger and bitterness in their relationships.

1. Unrealistic expectations

Some people set high standards for their partners in a relationship which is often difficult to meet. When their partners do not deliver as expected, they become disappointed, bitter, and angry. This can set the motion for holding grudges in relationships.

Usually, people who are quite emotionally benevolent are susceptible to such feelings because they don’t receive an equal measure of the love and care they give.

2. Fallouts and assumptions

In the real sense, a relationship is expected to experience fallouts and misunderstandings so that both parties can pick lessons pertaining to them and become better partners in the relationship. This is the primary reason why partners should be open to settling conflicts to avoid holding grudges in a relationship.

If you are still struggling with how to resolve conflicts in your relationships, you can check out this video titled Dissolving Anger 😠😡😡 This video gives couples a little insights on how to avoid assumptions, resolve conflicts and get back on track.

If a conflict is unsettled in a relationship, both parties might start holding onto resentment. This act gives room for assumptions which causes further problems in the relationship.

3. The feeling of being left out

This feeling is a wide category containing various possibilities. 

It is possible for someone to feel exploited, used, unloved, ignored, etc. If your partner has various personal activities where they do not carry you along or even give you information, you might feel left out and begin to harbor a grudge.

4. Insufficient validation

In a relationship, it is possible for one partner to be big on validation while the other party does not care. For instance, if your partner is going through a difficult time, and you make their situation all about yourself instead of them, they can feel hurt and begin to hold grudges.

It is important for partners in a relationship to be sensitive to the emotions and needs of each other by lending a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on.

5. Unresolved issues

When it comes to settling the conflicts the right way, it involves both parties trying to understand each other’s point without pointing out who wins the argument. If you try to always have your way in every conflict by claiming you are right, there will be various unresolved issues that will affect the relationship.

The intention of both parties in a relationship should be to understand each other better so that respect, true love, and security will abound in the relationship. Hence, if you want your partner to stop holding a grudge, it is important to resolve issues amicably by understanding and validating each other’s standpoint.

Subscribe and Follow Be the first to know when we post on the topics

Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?

Thank You 4 watching,.. ❤️You May Also Like Part 1 & Part2 Getting the love you deserve + questions you may want to ask before the ring:)

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Part 1,2 &3 cwg How to Find your wife or husband: View here 👉

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Don’t hesitate to reach out or send a message using the form.