☀️Connecting With God Everyday FINDING YOURSELF Prayers Single & Whole Staying Married & Loving It!

Be of Good Cheer 👍

Prayer Conversation Starter With God: Father, thank You for helping me through this day. Thank You for Your goodness to me, for your help, provision, guidance, and direction. I love You, amen!

The world always has turmoil and stressful drama that can drag us down emotionally; however, we don’t have to get involved in it. Basing our emotional state on the Word of God replaces stress with“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

When you come to the end of your day, it is good to spend time with God, thanking Him for overcoming the world on your behalf. Reflecting on His goodness will calm your spirit and prepare you for a peaceful night of rest.

Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?
☀️Connecting With God Everyday FINDING YOURSELF Prayers Single & Whole Staying Married & Loving It!

Be of Good Cheer 👍

The world always has turmoil and stressful drama that can drag us down emotionally; however, we don’t have to get involved in it. Basing our emotional state on the Word of God replaces stress with“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Life in today’s world can be stressful and frustrating—but as a Christian you do not have to operate in the world’s system. Yes, you will face difficult and trying situations, but you can refuse to be agitated, disturbed, and upset (see John 14:27).

Even in the midst of your problems you can be happy and confident, cheerful and courageous. Now that’s good news!

When you come to the end of a tiring and frustrating day, it is good to spend time with God, thanking Him for overcoming the world on your behalf. Reflecting on His goodness will calm your spirit and prepare you for a peaceful night of rest.

Prayer Conversation With God Starter: Father, thank You for helping me through this day. Thank You for Your goodness to me, for your help, provision, guidance, and direction. I love You, amen!
Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?
☀️Connecting With God Everyday Conversation With God Prayers Staying Married & Loving It!

THANK YOU FATHER | Connecting with God everyday

God does not demand that we thank him, but he is pleased when we do so. And He uses our responsiveness to teach us more about himself.

Jesus healed all 10 lepers. But only one return to thank him. It is possible to receive God’s great gift with an ungrateful spirit – 9 of the 10 men did so. Only the thankful man, however, learned that his faith had played a role in his healing; and only grateful Christians grow in understanding God‘s grace. God does not demand that we thank him, but he is pleased when we do so. And He uses our responsiveness to teach us more about himself. ( See Luke 17:17)

🙏🏽Conversation With God Dear God, thank you Father for the blessings received and the good accomplished this day🥰🤗❤️

Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?
☀️Connecting With God Everyday Conversation With God FINDING YOURSELF Prayers Staying Married & Loving It!

Good Things Are on the Way

Instead of expecting the worst, choose to expect the best. Decide in your quiet time with God that you are going to hope for and expect good things. When you do, this opens the door to God’s plan in your life (see Lamentations 3:25).

Sometimes when you’ve had a long series of painful or disappointing things happen, you can get to a point where you are just expecting more of what you’ve already had. But if you are expecting something bad to happen, those expectations will steal your joy and make it almost impossible to live a victorious life. 

Instead of expecting the worst, choose to expect the best. Decide in your quiet time with God that you are going to hope for and expect good things. When you do, this opens the door to God’s plan in your life (see Lamentations 3:25).

The next time you are having a bad day, examine your expectations, and if you find they are not what they should be, you can quickly make an adjustment that will bring God’s reassuring peace and uncontainable joy back into your life. 

Prayer of the Day: Father, anytime I feel discouraged or weary, help me remember that there is always hope. Help me be filled with hope in You and positive expectation. You are good, and I believe You want to be good to me, amen.

Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #Get Married Whole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.

☀️Connecting With God Everyday FINDING YOURSELF Single & Whole Staying Married & Loving It!

The Grace Of God Made It Possible

Singles Are You A Whole Person? We will help you understand and embrace wholeness while you are still Single. Not only will you be a whole person, but you will also be able to identify a ‘whole partner’ to marry. It is two whole individuals that can make a relationship and ultimately, marriage, work. #Singlenwhole #GetMarriedWhole | It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole A whole single is a person who is complete in themselves and who they are in Christ. 👉 Whole singles are men and women who are comfortable in their own skin and live lives of purpose, passion, and power. WHOLE singles are men and women of tremendous worth who value themselves, own their personal values, and are confident in themselves and their God. ✔Are You A Whole Person?
✔Are You A Whole Person?
☀️Connecting With God Everyday Conversation With God FINDING YOURSELF Prayers SingleNwhole Podcast Staying Married & Loving It!

How to Activate Your Healing Powers with Prayer: Discovering the Kingdom of God’s Within You! Find Your Healing🌱 within.

Answering your email questions How do I activate God healing power? What do you say when praying for healing?

You do not command things to appear by your words or loud affirmations. Such vain repetition is more often than not confirmation of the opposite. Decreeing is ever done in consciousness. That is; every man is conscious of being that which he has to create himself to be. The dumb man without using words is conscious of being dumb. Therefore he is to create himself to be dumb. Know if it is a state of health that you, the reader, are in desires of attaining, before you have any evidence of health in your world, you begin to FEEL yourself to be healthy. And the very second the feeling “I Am healthy” is attained the two have agreed to be one, and this agreement ever results in the birth of a child, which is the things agreed upon — in this case, health. And because I made the agreement, I expressed the thing agreed. So you can see why Moses stated, “I Am hath sent me.“ for what being, other than I Am could send you into expression? None- for I Am the way-Besides me there is no other. Whom do you say you are? For your conviction of yourself – your opinion of yourself will determine your expression in life. He states, “You believe in God—believe also in me.” in other words, it is the mean within you that is this God. Praying then, is seen to be recognizing yourself to be that which you now desire, rather than its accepting form of petitioning a God that does not exist for that which you now desire. PRAYERS TO BE SUCCESSFUL MUST BE CLAIMING RATHER THAN BEGGING.

“ I AM the shepherd, I AM the door; I AM the resurrection and the life; I Am the way; I AM The Alpha and Omega; I AM the beginning and the end” ; and again, Whom do you say that I AM? I AM healthy. It is clearly stated, I AM the way. “ the awareness of being (healthy in this case) is the door, through which the manifestation of life pass into the world to form. Man is ever out – picturing that which he is conscious of being. This is the truth that makes man free, for man is always self – imprisoned or self – freed.

So can’t you see why the millions of prayers are unanswered? Men pray to God that does not exist. For instance: to be conscious of being poor, and pray to a God for riches is to be rewarded with that which you are conscious of being — which is poverty. Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” This verse is similar to other passages in the Bible that speak about prayer and receiving by believing. Mark 11:23 “Truly I tell you that if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and has no doubt in his heart but believes that it will happen, it will be done for him. Prayers to be successful. Must be claiming rather than begging —so if you would pray for riches, turn from your picture of poverty by denying the very evidence of your senses, and assume the nature of being wealthy. In this case if you would pray for health turn from your picture of being in pain or not being healthy by denying the very evidence of your senses, and assume the nature of being healthy. Things live only as long as I am aware of being them if that makes sense.

Comment below if you want me to go into more details. Big love and blessings to you!

— Honi Maximus
It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole #stayingmarriedandlovingit #joekiya #rememberurspecial❤️ Big love and blessings to you! — #HoniMaximus

Prayer for Healing Conversation Starter with God: “Lord, I know You are able to heal me in every way I need healing—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically… And I know it is Your will to heal me, because Your son Jesus died so I could be healed. Lord, let the beauty of His sacrifice sink into my spirit and fill me with faith to trust in Your Word. I ask You for healing right now in Jesus’ name. Wash me clean from the inside out and fill me with Your love and righteousness. God, I reject every doubt in my mind that sets itself up against Your Word, and I accept Your gift of healing. Above all things, I trust in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Well, I want to thank all for tuning in, we will definitely be answering more questions in another episode but stay tuned for our next episode where we’ll be talking about when is separation your best option to address an anger problem?

❤️ There is great love for you here, remember you are special, unique and wonderfully made and above all you are the apple of God eyes, He’s got you on his mind! It is therefore vital that you understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving

Alright well be back with more getmarriedwhole radio   

☀️Connecting With God Everyday Conversation With God FINDING YOURSELF Prayers SingleNwhole Podcast Staying Married & Loving It!

The Kingdom of God is within you. Heaven is within you. Your healing & health 🌱 is within you.

You do not command things to appear by your words or loud affirmations. Such vain repetition is more often than not confirmation of the opposite. Decreeing is ever done in consciousness. That is; every man is conscious of being that which he has to create himself to be. The dumb man without using words is conscious of being dumb. Therefore he is to create himself to be dumb. Know if it is a state of health that you, the reader, are in desires of attaining, before you have any evidence of health in your world, you begin to FEEL yourself to be healthy. And the very second the feeling “I Am healthy” is attained the two have agreed to be one, and this agreement ever results in the birth of a child, which is the things agreed upon — in this case, health. And because I made the agreement, I expressed the thing agreed. So you can see why Moses stated, “I Am hath sent me.“ for what being, other than I Am could send you into expression? None- for I Am the way-Besides me there is no other. Whom do you say you are? For your conviction of yourself – your opinion of yourself will determine your expression in life. He states, “You believe in God—believe also in me.” in other words, it is the mean within you that is this God. Praying then, is seen to be recognizing yourself to be that which you now desire, rather than its accepting form of petitioning a God that does not exist for that which you now desire. PRAYERS TO BE SUCCESSFUL MUST BE CLAIMING RATHER THAN BEGGING.

“ I AM the shepherd, I AM the door; I AM the resurrection and the life; I Am the way; I AM The Alpha and Omega; I AM the beginning and the end” ; and again, Whom do you say that I AM? I AM healthy. It is clearly stated, I AM the way. “ the awareness of being (healthy in this case) is the door, through which the manifestation of life pass into the world to form. Man is ever out – picturing that which he is conscious of being. This is the truth that makes man free, for man is always self – imprisoned or self – freed.

So can’t you see why the millions of prayers are unanswered? Men and pray to God that does not exist. For instance: to be conscious of being poor, and pray to a God for riches is to be rewarded with that which you are conscious of being — which is poverty. Prayers to be successful. Must be claiming rather than begging —so if you would pray for riches, turn from your picture of poverty by denying the very evidence of your senses, and assume the nature of being wealthy. In this case if you would pray for health turn from your picture of being in pain or not being healthy by denying the very evidence of your senses, and assume the nature of being healthy. Things live only as long as I am aware of being them if that makes sense.

Comment below if you want me to go into more details. Big love and blessings to you!

— Honi Maximus
It is therefore vital for you to understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is most essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) Seeking to perfect our loving ❤️#getmarriedwhole #stayingmarriedandlovingit #joekiya #rememberurspecial❤️ Big love and blessings to you! — #HoniMaximus

Prayer for Healing Conversation Starter with God: “Lord, I know You are able to heal me in every way I need healing—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically… And I know it is Your will to heal me, because Your son Jesus died so I could be healed. Lord, let the beauty of His sacrifice sink into my spirit and fill me with faith to trust in Your Word. I ask You for healing right now in Jesus’ name. Wash me clean from the inside out and fill me with Your love and righteousness. God, I reject every doubt in my mind that sets itself up against Your Word, and I accept Your gift of healing. Above all things, I trust in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

☀️Connecting With God Everyday Boundaries Domestic Violence FINDING YOURSELF Staying Married & Loving It!

A Judgmental, Critical & Suspicious Mind | Jesus teaches us about criticizing others.

Judge, not that ye be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to
you. Matthew 7:1-2
Jesus tells us to examine our motives and conduct, instead of judging others. The traits that bother us, in others are often the habits we dislike in ourselves. Our untamed bad habits and behavior patterns are the very ones that we most want to change in others do you find it easy to magnify others’ faults while excusing your own? If you are ready to criticize someone, check to see if you deserve the same criticism. Judge yourself first, and then lovingly forgive and help your neighbor.

What does it mean to judge others?

  • To condemn or sentence now.
  • To form a mental opinion

Why is judging others wrong?

  • In a sense we are setting ourselves up as God in their lives | God is the only one who has the right to condemn or sentence; therefore, when we pass judgment, on another, we are, in a certain sense, setting ourselves up as God and their life.
Healthy self-esteem is important, because some of us think to little of ourselves; on the other hand, some of us overestimate ourselves. The key to an honest and accurate evaluation is knowing the basis of our self – worth – our identity in Christ. Apart from him, we aren’t capable of very much by eternal standards; in him. We are valuable and capable of worthy service. Evaluating yourself by the worldly standards, of success and achievement can cause you to think too much about your self worth in the eyes of others and thus miss your true value in the eyes of God.

Judgment and criticism are evidence of what deeper problem?

It is therefore vital for you to understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is most essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) #getmarriedwhole #stayingmarriedandlovingit #joekiya #rememberurspecial❤️
Judgment and criticism are evidence of what deeper problem? Share your thoughts, comment below 👇
It is therefore vital for you to understand that being single-“ separate, unique, and whole”- is most essential to, and the foundation of, not only marital relationships but all relationships. #singlenwhole means 👉(“separate, unique, and whole”) #getmarriedwhole #stayingmarriedandlovingit #joekiya #rememberurspecial❤️
☀️Connecting With God Everyday Staying Married & Loving It!

The Importance of Being Thankful | Trusting God Day by Day.

Do you ever stop what you’re doing and just thank God for the good things in your life? One of the best ways to enjoy your life is to stop and thank God for the good things He has given you, no matter how big or small. Sometimes we are so anxious to get something new from God, we aren’t enjoying the things He has already blessed us with. #singlenwhole #getmarriedwhole #stayingmarriedandlovingit #joekiya #rememberurspecial❤️

Do you ever stop what you’re doing and just thank God for the good things in your life?

Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will].

If you’ve ever wondered, What is God’s will for my life? the apostle Paul says in 1 Thessalonians that the first answer to that question is to be thankful. 

One of the best ways to enjoy your life is to stop and thank God for the good things He has given you, no matter how big or small. Sometimes we are so anxious to get something new from God, we aren’t enjoying the things He has already blessed us with.

When you aren’t sure what step to take, I encourage you to take the “thanksgiving step”: Actively thank God for His kindness, His goodness, and His faithfulness in your life. You’ll be amazed at how this action will change your perspective and affect your day. 

Prayer of the Day: Father, I am thankful for all You do for me daily. Without Your help, and without Your hand guiding my life, things would be a mess. But because of Your presence in my life, I can be ever so grateful and just thank You for all the little things I know I take for granted, amen.

Check out my podcast, Get Married Whole>Empowering Singles to marry | How to Recognize Your Value & Apply to Your Llife, on Anchor! #singlenwhole #getmarriedwhole #stayingmarriedandlovingit #joekiya #rememberurspecial❤️


☀️Connecting With God Everyday Conversation With God Staying Married & Loving It!

God Is for You|What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31).

God loves us, and He is for us. When we know God loves us, we’ll have confidence that we will win in life. Prayer Conversation Starter: Father, thank You for alwaysbeing with me and giving me the strength and ability to succeed in life. Please help me to be ever-mindful of your power and presence within me to do whatever I need to do and to bless the lives of those around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. #singlenwhole #getmarriedwhole #stayingmarriedandlovingit #joekiya #rememberurspecial❤️

God is a big God; nothing is impossible with Him. We have nothing to fear from our enemies because none of them are as great as our God. 

God is for us; He is on our side. Satan has one position—he is against us. But God is over us, under us, through us, for us, and He surrounds us. Of whom, then, should we be afraid? 

So, like Mount Zion, we should never be moved because God is all around us. And if that wasn’t enough, I saved the best until last: He is in us, and He said that He will never leave us or forsake us.

Salvation is our most awesome blessing from God, and we have been given the Helper, the Holy Spirit Himself, to empower us to be like Jesus. God has blessings and spiritual power in abundance for us. He is powerful and mighty and able to do what we can never do on our own. 

God desires that we let the Holy Spirit flow through us in power to show people His love and to help people with His gifts. It all centers in Him. 

Prayer Conversation Starter: Father, thank You for alwaysbeing with me and giving me the strength and ability to succeed in life. Please help me to be ever-mindful of your power and presence within me to do whatever I need to do and to bless the lives of those around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.